5 Months
3 Calls per month
2x 90 Minute Breakthrough calls focused around hotseat with Michael to facilitate breakthroughs at the subconscious, unconscious, emotional and energetic level.
& 1x 45 minute Integration call for lessons and actionable steps to make your transformation last.
Lifetime access to the replays
*It is important that you are able to attend live as this container is focused around hotseats, however replays will be available and it is not necessary to be on every single call.
There are 2 spots left
1st, 3rd & 4th Friday of every month
Fridays @ 12:30pmPST/3:30pmEST/
Enrolment is open through August and then will be a closed container
Learn to regulate your nervous system
Learn to decode and reprogram your self sabotaging behaviours
Break negative behaviours and thought patterns
Improve confidence & self esteem
Have better relationships
Tap into your purpose
Become more authentic
Deal with unresolved trauma
Conquer visibility fears
Rewrite your money story
"There are two phases to your life, who you are before the breakthrough experience and who you are after"